Time and time again I have potential clients asking the same questions. Usually because they have never worked with a Promotional Staffing Agency or they have had a bad experience in the past with another Staffing Agency.We have listed below our most frequently asked questions from potentail clients. What is your point of difference Flash Point Promotion’s point of difference is service, being a boutique local agency, it really gives us the advantage to be… Continue reading QLD Staffing Agency – Frequently Asked Questions
Tag: Marketing Campaigns
Flyer Distribution – Is it still effective?
I know what you are thinking. In such a technology based digital age how can flyer distribution be effective or in fashion? In such a digital age emails and social media have become some of the most important platforms and tools for online marketing. However, how often do you open those spam emails? How often do you read the Facebook posts about 20% off at a store and visit that shop? Flyer Distribution is a… Continue reading Flyer Distribution – Is it still effective?