Overseeing a team of Promotional Staff, Promotional Models and Brand Ambassadors while also working in the Promotion and Event industry, I see first hand how easily your best staff will stop working for you or will become less motivated to pick up shifts with your agency.
We have outlined why your staff are unmotivated and what fuels your staff for you to keep them motivated and for them to continue working for you.
- Team Culture
Team culture is so important for any business, especially businesses on a large scale that are in younger generations.
Working for an agency is one thing, but working for a company that values their staff is another. Time and time again I hear agencies not meeting their staff, not knowing who their staff are and not catching up with their staff for Events, Parties, Annual Get togethers and celebrates.
At Flash Point Promotions we create a team culture that is based around being a big family – We make sure we have annual events to celebrate an awesome year and to bring in another great year ahead! If you have a good team culture within your business this will help your team feel motivated to go to work, knowing they are working with people they know and a company they want to work for and that they trust.
- Communication
Communication is key to all things business, whether it’s seasonal events and promotions we always stay in touch with our staff to make sure they know we remember them!
- Support
Having a support structure of a 1-point-of-call for everything knowing they have a backbone and someone to rely on if something isn’t going to plan, or having someone to call with a direct answer and solution to a problem. Your staff feel better and will do better on jobs knowing they have a set structure with who is charge for what.
- Lack of jobs
Sometimes agencies will have quiet times during certain periods of the year, in these times make sure you keep your staff occupied with in house jobs – Whether its advertising, marketing, business administration or in-house promotions this will not only keep them busy, but will help increase your business. Failure to provide jobs for your staff will lead them to be unmotivated and look to join other agencies.
- Rewards
If you have valuable feedback about your crew reward them! If they go that extra mile on a shift – Reward them. Rewarding your staff will keep them motivated whilst continuing doing the awesome job they were doing to increase the chance in getting rewards.
Have company rewards for your staff to work towards to make something fun, yet getting them to work hard! Whether it’s posting the best photo and tagging your business or the hardest working staff of the month receives a reward! Having that to work towards will keep your crew motivated and something extra to work towards, that will make them feel good!
Flash Point Promotions provides our staff with an awesome team culture, dedicated communication, 24/7 email, text and phone call support with one person for their contact. We reward our awesome crew and provide our staff with jobs that are within the our business when we are in our quieter seasons to help increase work load and to keep staff happy.
Knowing we treat our staff well – Means you will have motivated, happy staff ready to work for your company – So what are you waiting for?!
Contact us today for your free quote to outsource your staffing requirements for your next Event or Marketing Campaign.
Drop us a line or request your free quote here today.